
Archive for August, 2009

Brain Freeze!

Hey everyone! How is your Monday? I am in a brain freeze over here, and not the good kind you get from eating ice cream 😉 , the hurty kind you get from doing Math all day! Ugh! My boss is an accountant, and I have no idea how she ever did that! I am working with a lot of number today and it is making my brain hurt! Oh well, keep on truckin’! Wait, what? You want to see my lunch, oh ok…sorry! Here you go…

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That is a Turkey sandwich it had Trader Joe’s herb Turkey…yum, yellow mustard, laughing cow cheese and lettuce on whole wheat Tuscan bread. I also had this little plate of wonders:

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It had the rest of my quinoa salad, pickles, peppers and three grape tomatoes. It was a good side. My co-worker Loren brought me in some treats. She is always  brings me in treats…so sweet! Picture 044

A date.

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and her own version of a mini larabar! I can’t wait to try it!

For an afternoon snack I had the date from Loren

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and a Fiberful bar…yumPicture 046

Today’s after work plans include:

  • Chest and Tricep workout
  • Working at my part-time job until 7:30-ish
  • run with Adam
  • Dinner
  • Cutting up fruits and veggies for the week
  • PREPING FOR TOMORROW, so I don’t wake up in a rush

What are you evening plans?

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Dinner and a Movie!

Good Monday Morning! I hope everyone had a great weekend! Monday comes fast doesn’t it? I figured out why my blog was acting weird yesterday, I was out of space! I had to upgrade…I guess this blog was getting too big for it’s britches! After I upgraded I headed to Target and Trader Joe’s for some groceries and cleaning supplies we needed. While shopping I snacked on this swag bar.

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It was pretty much my “lunch”. I really loved this bar, it was fruity and chewy. I loved the big chocolate chips 🙂

After my little shopping trip was went to the movies with Mom and Kristie. I was late coming back from the Trader Joe’s  so I felt so rushed…and stressed!!!! I hate that feeling. But we got to the movie on time. We saw The Time Traveler’s Wife. I thought the movie was nicely done. But, they left out a lot from the book, including some parts and people I thought were important. I understand that you can’t fit a 500 + page book into a movie, but there were some things they shouldn’t have left out. The movie wasn’t long by any means, so they could have made it a little longer. But, I really did like it overall! After the movie Mom and I went home and walked our dogs, I found Swedish Fish in her kitchen and snacked on some.

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I had this amount x2. Adam and my dad were at the movies too, after their movie got out, we met for dinner at the 99.

We started off with some cheese and crackers.

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and some spinach artichoke dip

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the four of us split these appetizers, I had my fair share 😉 I love spinach artichoke dip…a lot!Me and mom both got the chicken stir-fry for our meals.

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It was grilled chicken, veggies and lo mein noodles with a pineapple sauce. It was good- and huge, I only ate about 1/2. After dinner I was so tired (it was 9:30), I got home, unloaded the dishwasher and got ready for bed. I slept like a rock.  When I got up it was a rat race…I was unprepared for the day and as a result ran around like a chicken with my head cut off. Note to self: don’t set yourself up for failure before the day begins! So this morning, I had to shower, eat, make my lunch, get work clothes ironed, do a load of laundry, make the coffee, get ready for work…busy busy.  Oh well! Here is breakfast!

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Green Monster and a small piece of toast with Barney Butter. I also had coffee in my new mug while walking into work.

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So cute! Today I am wearing this:

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Khaki pencil skirt (Old Navy), Pink Cami (H&M), Sweater (Filene’s basement), Sandals (Coach). Well I got a lot to do here, it is going to be a busy day for this girl. See you soon!

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Ok, back, so weird! Anyhow, here is a picture of the bride with her maids.


Jessica (Erica’s sister), Lydia (MOH- Erica’s close friend from childhood), Erica (Bride), Yours Truly (Erica and I are friends from college and were co-workers after college for a few years).


That’s Mike (Erica’s fiance…don’t you love his shirt, Erie made it!), Erica, Jeanna (Mother of the Bride), Andy (Erica’s brother and my walking partner in the wedding..YAY! I heart Andy!)

Siblings!!!!! What an attractive group!


It was a fantastic day! I had a great time and it was wonderful seeing Erica so happy. You can see my outfit from the pictures…everything but my shoes. So I took a picture for you guys, because, honestly, they were the best part!


Yup! Purple pumps…and I loved the patterned tights with them. They were Nine West. The dress I wore was the same one from the HLS cocktail party I just added the belt from this post to it . When I got home, Adam was just coming in from work. We decided to go out for a few beers. I had 4 Sam Adams Brick Reds thought the course of the night (that’s Adam holding it so I could take a picture).


I stayed out for a few hours and them had Adam drive me home, I was tired and hungry. When I got home I made some Amy’s Macaroni and Soy Cheese…one of my favorites! YUM! It is sooooo cheesy! I love it!


Then, I called it a night! This morning, I slept in…later than I wanted to. I guess my body needed it. When I got up it was brunch time. So I made an egg white omelet with spinach and goat cheese.


I enjoyed it with a piece of Ezekiel toast with Trader Joe’s blueberry preserves (love this stuff) and a Morning Star veggie sausage! YUMMO!


and a cup of coffee (which I drank about 1/2 of).


Well, I am off to Target and Trader Joe’s before going to see The Time Traveler’s Wife with my mom and friend Kristie. See you guys later on!

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Ok, back, so weird! Anyhow, here is a picture of the bride with her maids.


Jessica (Erica’s sister), Lydia (MOH- Erica’s close friend from childhood), Erica (Bride), Yours Truly (Erica and I are friends from college and were co-workers after college for a few years).


That’s Mike (Erica’s fiance…don’t you love his shirt, Erie made it!), Erica, Jeanna (Mother of the Bride), Andy (Erica’s brother and my walking partner in the wedding..YAY! I heart Andy!)

Siblings!!!!! What an attractive group!


It was a fantastic day! I had a great time and it was wonderful seeing Erica so happy. You can see my outfit from the pictures…everything but my shoes. So I took a picture for you guys, because, honestly, they were the best part!


Yup! Purple pumps…and I loved the patterned tights with them. They were Nine West. The dress I wore was the same one from the HLS cocktail party I just added the belt from this post to it . When I got home, Adam was just coming in from work. We decided to go out for a few beers. I had 4 Sam Adams Brick Reds thought the course of the night (that’s Adam holding it so I could take a picture).


I stayed out for a few hours and them had Adam drive me home, I was tired and hungry. When I got home I made some Amy’s Macaroni and Soy Cheese…one of my favorites! YUM! It is sooooo cheesy! I love it!


Then, I called it a night! This morning, I slept in…later than I wanted to. I guess my body needed it. When I got up it was brunch time. So I made an egg white omelet with spinach and goat cheese.


I enjoyed it with a piece of Ezekiel toast with Trader Joe’s blueberry preserves (love this stuff) and a Morning Star veggie sausage! YUMMO!


and a cup of coffee (which I drank about 1/2 of).


Well, I am off to Target and Trader Joe’s before going to see The Time Traveler’s Wife with my mom and friend Kristie. See you guys later on!

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Hey everyone. I have been so busy, sorry I haven’t posted! So let’s just jump right in. Friday on the way home from work I stopped and got a non-fat iced mocha latte and enjoyed it while catching up with my friend Jill.


At 6pm I went and got haircut, I asked for a 1/2 inch trim and she totally cut almost 2 inches off. Ugh, I am trying to grow my hair out, and I feel like she cut it all off. It is a great cut, just too much off. After the cut I was in a little bit of a bad mood and I was hungry…so I made a quick diner. I made a Buffalo Tuna Melt. I combined a can of tuna, some non-fat greek yogurt, and some buffalo sauce, put it on Trader Joe’s whole wheat tuscan bread with a slice of American Cheese and pressed it on the George Forman Grill. It was AWESOME spicy and melty…hit the spot.


I ate it with some brown rice chips with hummus and spicy salsa.


One spicy dinner 🙂


I ate the whole sandwich and about 1/2 of the chips and salsa/hummus. My sweet tooth kicked in hard after I ate, so I had a little bit of Stoneyfield Farm’s coffee froyo with mini peanut butter cups, almond slivers and coconut.


Doesn’t that look awesome? It was!!!!


I spent the rest of the evening on the couch relaxing. Yesterday I got up at 6:30 am and did a few things around the apt. that needed to get done. Including wrapping Erica’s Bridal Shower Gift. IMG_1608.JPG

While doing that stuff, I snacked on half of a kashi bar and had some coffee.


Once I got those things done, I went to the gym. It was pouring out, so no run outside I went to the gym and decided to use the elliptical, I couldn’t remember the last time I was on one of those. I did 30 minutes of the random hill setting at a level 7 while reading the newest issue of Self. It was a great workout. Then I did a legs and abs workout.


  • 3 sets of seated leg press, 70 pounds, 15 reps per set
  • 3 sets of laying legs extensions with an 8 pound weight between my feet, 15 reps per set.
  • 3 sets of calf raises, 75 pounds (30 reps per set)
  • 3 sets of lower-half lifts on the exercise ball using body weight


  • 3 sets of side planks with a twist, 10 reps per set, on each side
  • 3 sets of bicycles 20 on each side
  • 3 sets of laying ball pass, 12 reps per set
  • 3 plank Pike-ups, 12 reps per side.

When I got home, I made a Green Monster with:

  • frozen banana
  • spinach
  • flax seed
  • protein powder
  • Amazing Meal
  • chocolate almond milk
  • ice
  • bee pollen
  • peanut butter


I also had a piece of Ezekiel toast with Barney Butter.

I got ready and headed to Erica’s Shower. It was a difficult drive, the rain was awful and I need new wipers on my car. It is funny, you never realize that you need new wipers until you are in a rain storm. They shower was a FANTASTIC TIME!!!! Erica is getting married on Halloween so the theme was Halloween of course. The shower was at her aunt’s house which was absolutely beautiful and the shower decorations were just perfect, not over the top Halloween, but just enough. Here is the beverage table.

Of course, I was in charge of icd tea:

I didn’t have any myself, but the bride loved it…and that is what really matters. THe punch looked amazing too.

I enjoyed one glass of Shiraz…it was perfect after a stressful drive.

(yeah, I put ice in it…I drink my red wine cold). Here are some pictures of the decor, it was done really nicely.

How cute right?! It looks like us three bridesmaids 🙂

That was the invitation. So cute, right? The bride’s talented brother Andy designed them. Erica and Andy are both really talented and creative. Erica actually created the top of my blog that you guys see every-time you come and visit!


So cute! It was so nicely done.


Erica’s mom and aunt made this for her to wear for the day. How creative!


Look at all those wonderful gifts (she got some great stuff)! The food was amazing as well!


Tomatoes, Mozzarella, fresh basil.


Grilled veggies…




Chicken Salad…


Shrimp salad…


various muffins and rolls…


The table was decorated so nicely, with fabric that matched the invites, some mums and candy corn. Of course I tried a little of everything.


I ate the whole plate, everything was great! I also had some hummus and pretzels earlier while chatting with people, no picture but, you can use your imagination. I also ate my fair share of these…


There were some in every room, I couldn’t resist. After we ate, we played a game to see how well we knew the bride and groom. It was fun, and I didn’t do too badly either…but Erica’s sister won…


Here is the Beautiful Bride and her cute hat.


She actually gave us gifts for being in the wedding…so sweet and unexpected.


She made us all cards that she designed with our name on them! I love mine! Isn’t the peacock feather awesome??? It makes me want to write letters. Her sister was so excited Erica put her new last name on hers. She is getting married this coming Friday!


I love this note pad too, I have it in my purse right now! It her perfect for all my lists…you guys know how much I love making lists!


Travel mug, I was actually going to buy one this weekend for my coffee to go for work. I love the pattern on this one!


and some tea, this tea smells AMAZING, like chocolate! I can’t wait to try some.


Thanks Erie! It was all so nice, I love all my gifts and they are all things I will use for sure! Erica got a lot of gifts too. Here are some highlights. Here mm’s cats bought her a voo-doo doll that says “New Husband” on it. HAHAHAHA! We all got a kick out of that!


She got some wine that was “wicked” themed…Sin Zin…how cool?!


and of course wedding night goodies 😉


After gifts it was time for dessert:


Look at how awesome these cupcakes look!


and these cookies were so cute…and so, so, so yummy.


I had a cupcake and Lydia (MOH) and I split a cookie.


and a cup of coffee


I loved the dessert napkins…adorable!


Ok, I have to write part two now. My program isn’t letting up upload any more photos, I have no idea what is up with that!

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Hey everyone. I have been so busy, sorry I haven’t posted! So let’s just jump right in. Friday on the way home from work I stopped and got a non-fat iced mocha latte and enjoyed it while catching up with my friend Jill.


At 6pm I went and got haircut, I asked for a 1/2 inch trim and she totally cut almost 2 inches off. Ugh, I am trying to grow my hair out, and I feel like she cut it all off. It is a great cut, just too much off. After the cut I was in a little bit of a bad mood and I was hungry…so I made a quick diner. I made a Buffalo Tuna Melt. I combined a can of tuna, some non-fat greek yogurt, and some buffalo sauce, put it on Trader Joe’s whole wheat tuscan bread with a slice of American Cheese and pressed it on the George Forman Grill. It was AWESOME spicy and melty…hit the spot.


I ate it with some brown rice chips with hummus and spicy salsa.


One spicy dinner 🙂


I ate the whole sandwich and about 1/2 of the chips and salsa/hummus. My sweet tooth kicked in hard after I ate, so I had a little bit of Stoneyfield Farm’s coffee froyo with mini peanut butter cups, almond slivers and coconut.


Doesn’t that look awesome? It was!!!!


I spent the rest of the evening on the couch relaxing. Yesterday I got up at 6:30 am and did a few things around the apt. that needed to get done. Including wrapping Erica’s Bridal Shower Gift. IMG_1608.JPG

While doing that stuff, I snacked on half of a kashi bar and had some coffee.


Once I got those things done, I went to the gym. It was pouring out, so no run outside I went to the gym and decided to use the elliptical, I couldn’t remember the last time I was on one of those. I did 30 minutes of the random hill setting at a level 7 while reading the newest issue of Self. It was a great workout. Then I did a legs and abs workout.


  • 3 sets of seated leg press, 70 pounds, 15 reps per set
  • 3 sets of laying legs extensions with an 8 pound weight between my feet, 15 reps per set.
  • 3 sets of calf raises, 75 pounds (30 reps per set)
  • 3 sets of lower-half lifts on the exercise ball using body weight


  • 3 sets of side planks with a twist, 10 reps per set, on each side
  • 3 sets of bicycles 20 on each side
  • 3 sets of laying ball pass, 12 reps per set
  • 3 plank Pike-ups, 12 reps per side.

When I got home, I made a Green Monster with:

  • frozen banana
  • spinach
  • flax seed
  • protein powder
  • Amazing Meal
  • chocolate almond milk
  • ice
  • bee pollen
  • peanut butter


I also had a piece of Ezekiel toast with Barney Butter.

I got ready and headed to Erica’s Shower. It was a difficult drive, the rain was awful and I need new wipers on my car. It is funny, you never realize that you need new wipers until you are in a rain storm. They shower was a FANTASTIC TIME!!!! Erica is getting married on Halloween so the theme was Halloween of course. The shower was at her aunt’s house which was absolutely beautiful and the shower decorations were just perfect, not over the top Halloween, but just enough. Here is the beverage table.

Of course, I was in charge of icd tea:

I didn’t have any myself, but the bride loved it…and that is what really matters. THe punch looked amazing too.

I enjoyed one glass of Shiraz…it was perfect after a stressful drive.

(yeah, I put ice in it…I drink my red wine cold). Here are some pictures of the decor, it was done really nicely.

How cute right?! It looks like us three bridesmaids 🙂

That was the invitation. So cute, right? The bride’s talented brother Andy designed them. Erica and Andy are both really talented and creative. Erica actually created the top of my blog that you guys see every-time you come and visit!


So cute! It was so nicely done.


Erica’s mom and aunt made this for her to wear for the day. How creative!


Look at all those wonderful gifts (she got some great stuff)! The food was amazing as well!


Tomatoes, Mozzarella, fresh basil.


Grilled veggies…




Chicken Salad…


Shrimp salad…


various muffins and rolls…


The table was decorated so nicely, with fabric that matched the invites, some mums and candy corn. Of course I tried a little of everything.


I ate the whole plate, everything was great! I also had some hummus and pretzels earlier while chatting with people, no picture but, you can use your imagination. I also ate my fair share of these…


There were some in every room, I couldn’t resist. After we ate, we played a game to see how well we knew the bride and groom. It was fun, and I didn’t do too badly either…but Erica’s sister won…


Here is the Beautiful Bride and her cute hat.


She actually gave us gifts for being in the wedding…so sweet and unexpected.


She made us all cards that she designed with our name on them! I love mine! Isn’t the peacock feather awesome??? It makes me want to write letters. Her sister was so excited Erica put her new last name on hers. She is getting married this coming Friday!


I love this note pad too, I have it in my purse right now! It her perfect for all my lists…you guys know how much I love making lists!


Travel mug, I was actually going to buy one this weekend for my coffee to go for work. I love the pattern on this one!


and some tea, this tea smells AMAZING, like chocolate! I can’t wait to try some.


Thanks Erie! It was all so nice, I love all my gifts and they are all things I will use for sure! Erica got a lot of gifts too. Here are some highlights. Here mm’s cats bought her a voo-doo doll that says “New Husband” on it. HAHAHAHA! We all got a kick out of that!


She got some wine that was “wicked” themed…Sin Zin…how cool?!


and of course wedding night goodies 😉


After gifts it was time for dessert:


Look at how awesome these cupcakes look!


and these cookies were so cute…and so, so, so yummy.


I had a cupcake and Lydia (MOH) and I split a cookie.


and a cup of coffee


I loved the dessert napkins…adorable!


Ok, I have to write part two now. My program isn’t letting up upload any more photos, I have no idea what is up with that!

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Well, my Friday is just flying by! How about yours? Lunch was another GIANT SALAD 🙂 Picture 031

It contained:

  • letttuce
  • cherry tomatoes
  • edamame
  • goat cheese
  • quinoa salad
  • red, yellow, orange bell betters
  • salsa
  • hummus
  • two hard boiled egg whites
  • cucumbers
  • carrots
  • mushrooms

And was Totally Rad (that’s right I said “Rad”  I am bringing Rad back. I am doing for Rad what Justin Timberlake did for sexy! And I am rad and we know Justin is sexy…so it works out! ) Look at this veggie goodness!

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Awesome. After Lunch I decided to go for a run around the city.It was a great way to break up the day!  I did 2.8 miles (while running it is seemed longer, I wanted to run 3 miles…close enough, right ? 😉 ) Then I did a bicep and shoulders workout at the gym in my work building.


  • 3 sets of bicep curls with 15 lb. weights (15 reps per set)
  • 3 sets of concentration curls with 10 lb. weights (15 reps per set)
  • 3 sets of the arm curl with a straight bar 20 lb. weights (15 reps per set)


  • 3 sets military press with my resistance band (15 reps per set)
  • 3 sets front raise 5 lb weights (15 reps per set)
  • 3 sets lateral raise 5 lb weights (15 reps per set)
  • 3 sets upright rows 10 lb weights (15 reps per set)

It felt great. When I got back to my desk I ate some swag…of course! My friend Ashley was saying last night how can can’t believe all the swag…it is like Mary Poppins’ (my favorite movie of all time) Carpet Bag!!!

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These were awesome!!!!!! So great! I need to track these bad boys down. They were perfectly chewy and totally not sticky at all (which is HUGE, I feel like dried fruit is always sticky). They have a bunch of flavors…I can’t wait to try them all 🙂 New obsession alert!!!! Well, I was told I could leave at 3:30pm…and I stayed to blog, but I am heading out now. See you guys later 🙂

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Good Morning and TGIF! How is everyone? This morning I woke up super unprepared for the day. I usually make lunch (and sometimes breakfast), get my workout and work clothes ready, get the coffee maker ready and do a load of laundry before bed. But I did none of that last night because I got home kinda later and crashed (more on that in a second), thus leaving me unprepared and kind of hectic this morning.

Ok, so yesterday I got home around 5pm and found Adam and Oscar laying in bed resting. Adam had a long day of golf and Oscar had a long day of being the cutest pup in the universe…these boys were tired and looked so comfy! For half a second I thought about joining them, but this girl really needed a run. So I changed into my running clothes while chatting on the phone with my bestie May. Once I came out of the bedroom to get my running shoes on I was surprised to see Adam standing there in his running gear 🙂 He asked how long I had planned to run and if he could join me. I had a run planned in my head, but I wasn’t sure the exact distance. His lower back is acting up again but he joined me regardless. For those of you who don’t know, Adam had an old lower back injury (he put is back out when we were 17 by trying to pick up my my family dog, Mickou (RIP buddy), and put him on the couch). Sometimes this injury acts up, and carrying around a 30 pound gun belt 5 days a week has not done anything to improve it.

We ran 4.1 glorious miles! It was a beautiful day for it, and we both felt like we could run forever! I love runs like that, don’t you? They are very few and far between, and ALWAYS happen when you have a time constraint, right?! Usually they happen, when I have a time constraint in the morning because I have to get to work….booo! But this time, my time constraint was a fun one…YAY! When we got home, I returned some (9!) calls I had on my voice-mail from my part-time job, then hopped in the shower. We drove to The Playwright in South Boston to meet Ashley and Jeremy for dinner and drinks. When we got there I ordered a Blue Moon…yum!

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I had about 4 throughout the night. For my meal I ordered the veggie burger with the mayo on the side and subbed the fries for sweet potato fries.

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I took one bit of the burger with the bun, then decided to ditch it, so I ate it bun-less. It was totally a cheapo microwavable veggie burger that they added cheddar, mushrooms and red peppers to. It wasn’t bad at all, just wasn’t awesome or anything (hey, I ate the whole thing, so clearly I liked it).  Want to know what was awesome?

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These guys!!!! The sweet potato fries were so good, and not greasy in the least bit! AND they didn’t give me a tummy ache…hurray! Adam and Ashley helped me out with them 🙂 Here is the damage!

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We totally ate the rest of those fries after the picture was taken. I think I had about 5-6 more. It was great catching up with Ashley. I am trying to convince her to run the Tufts 10K for Women with me. Come one, Ashley, you can do it!!!!!! Anyone else running this? It would be a great event for a blogger/reader meet up! Let me know 🙂

We got home around 10pm and I chatted with my mom and dad while going to pick up Oscar. Then I just got ready for bed and crashed out. So this morning was a little hectic, but I made it to work on time and in one piece…what more can you ask for. Breakfast was eaten at my desk to avoid getting sucked into The Today Show, especially since this story is in the news and I am so interested in it! I had fruit salad (watermelon, pineapple and strawberries), and a whole wheat English muffin with Barney Butter and Trader Joe’s blueberry preserves.

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yum, yum, yum

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Oh, I never mention this but, I always take a multivitamin with my breakfast. It is just a regular One A Day for Women. I always have coffee too, some  days I write about it and some days I don’t…but there is always coffee 🙂

Here is today’s outfit:

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HAHAHA! Silly face! Jeans (Seven for All Mankind), white top (H&M), Scarf (H&M) Metallic flip flops (Steve Madden), GORGEOUS diamond ring (My handsome fiance…heheheheh).

You may have notice my hair has been up a whole lot as of late. It is because it has officially entered Hotmessville! Luckily, I am getting a haircut tonight at 6pm…I am in such bad need of a trim. It has been almost 4 months since my last one. Oops! My soon to be sister-in-law Jen, would yell at me. She is a fantastic hairdresser (for anyone is the Foxboro/Plainville area looking for a hairdresser…she’s your gal) and after I went a year without cutting it, she had to give me a major cut in January and lectured me that I need to get it cut every 8 weeks. Sorry, Jen!

Well, I will see you guys a little bit later! Have a great Friday!

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Good Afternoon! How is your Thursday? Mine is going well. I managed to get something done here in the  office I feel like I have been working on for weeks, so that is good 🙂 Around 12:30 I ate lunch while sending out a few emails. Picture 021

I brought some of last nights bland experiment with some hot salsa and cheese on it and a salad.

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I heated it up in the microwave for a minute and THE VERDICT: Much Better! The salsa actually brought out the flavor of the veggies and I felt like I could taste then better than I could last night. I am so glad now that I didn’t waist it all and throw it out like I had thought about. After I ate, I did a little more work and then I went downstairs to the gym for a quick back and abs workout.


  • 3 sets of seat rows with resistance band, 15 reps per set.
  • 3 sets of lateral pull downs 47 lbs,  15 reps per set
  • 3 sets of lower back extensions using body weight, 15 reps per set


  • 3 sets of side planks with a twist, 10 reps per set, on each side
  • 3 sets of bicycles 20 on each side
  • 3 sets of laying ball pass, 12 reps per set
  • 3 plank Pike-ups, 12 reps per side.

It felt great. Those are some new abs moves, so we will see how I feel in the am 😉 I kind of feel like a bottomless pit today! I needed a snack BAD this afternoon. So I cut up an apple I got at the farmer’s market on Saturday and put it in a bowl with some almond butter and heated it in the microwave for 1 minute, then I poured the rest of the granola from this morning over it.

Picture 023

It reminded me of apple crisp!!!!! YUM! It was scrumptious and filling! I am sure it will be able to fuel me through my walk home and my run I have planned for after work. Plans tonight include Adam and I meeting some friends Ashley (who is also a reader, Hi Ashley…see you tonight!) and Jeremy for a few beers to catch up. Well, actually Adam and Jeremy work together and see each other all the time. But I haven’t seen Ashley in over a month 😦 . See you guys later:)

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Just Enough Cinnamon.

Good morning! How is everyone? I am doing well! I got into work early again this morning, so I get to leave at 4pm again! YAY! I decided to pack up breakfast to take it to work to avoid eating in front of the TV and getting sucked into the Today Show (it always happens). Here is breakfast:

Picture 018

Fruit salad of watermelon and pineapple, vanilla chobani and some Berkshire Grains granola (I ate half of that little bag). Ok, you guys this granola is seriously good! I really like it. The Cinnamon Toast flavor had just enough, not to strong on the cinnamon (don’t you hate when all you can taste in cinnamon?!) I can’t wait to try the three other flavors I have at home. YUM YUM!

Here is my outfit- so far I have been told I look like a First Lady 🙂 and my boss asked if I had a job interview in a panicked sort of way…hahaha, I am so not going anywhere for a long time…promise 😉

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Ugh sorry it is kind of blurry! It is a black and white polka dotted dress. I had to belt it because it is way too big for me now. Here is a close up so you can see that pattern…I love the two buttons on the neck.

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I got the dress from Marshalls and the belt is so old, I can’t remember…I think ebay!!! I am wearing these shoes.


In other news: my chest is SORE SORE SORE! Wow! I changed it up a little at the gym yesterday doing the chest flies and chest press laying on the bench… and wowie, it made a difference. I think my muscles got so used to me doing it in other ways that this totally shocked them! I love it! Does anyone else love that sore feeling? I am going to try and change up my exercises for my other muscle groups this week and see if it makes a difference! So stay tuned…

Also, a reader Jaime wrote about the Pineapple Chobani and said hers had fruit on the bottom and tasted like pineapple! MINE HAD NO FRUIT ON THE BOTTOM! Maybe that is why is just tasted meh….I bet! So weird, right? So I guess you will have to disregard my review of the pineapple yogurt but here is Meghann’s which differed so much from mine, but now I understand why. I guess I will have to buy another one and try again 😉

Well I got a lot to do, see you guys later 🙂

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