
Posts Tagged ‘Coffee’

GOOOOOOD AFTERNOOOOON! How are you guys? Today flew by, huh? Lunch was around 12:30pm. I had a Ezekiel wrap with pine nut hummus, goat cheese, turkey and spinach. I mean a lot of spinach 🙂

On the side I had some ranch soy crisps and a clementine (only thing I currently like about winter).

Around 3:30pm it was pre-workout snack time. Coffee and 1/2 of a chocolate chip clif bar. I am saving the other half for post workout since I want to get home and make a nice meal without wanting to chew my own arm off.

Well, I have 30 minutes and it is the weekend for me. So what on earth do I have planned?


  • Run
  • Body Pump with my friend Melissa (YAY! Love workout buddies)
  • Dinner
  • Relax, watch opening ceremonies, read?


  • Up early to run
  • 9am Body Jam (Body Pump’s dance style sister…it will be truly comical!)
  • Shower and get dressed at the gym
  • Trip to Trader Joe’s for a few things 🙂
  • Stopping by a secret location to get Valentines Day treats for both of my boys 🙂 Yup I am getting Adam’s and Oscar’s treats at the same place…what on earth could it be?
  • Lunch and laundry at home
  • Home Show with my Mom, Dad and Adam followed by dinner
  • Meeting our friends Jeremy and Ashely for a little Valentine’s Bowling Date! ❤


  • V-day Run with Adam (what don’t all couples celebrate V-day with a Run?)
  • DATONA 500 SUNDAY FUNDAY!!!!! This is an annual tradition, it doesn’t usually take place on V-day, but we do this every year!! You will see tons of pics from this I am sure :)I will tell you a little more about it as it get closer.


  • Meeting Tina and Beth for noon time Body Pump
  • Working at my part-time job
  • Grocery shopping
  • RELAX!!!!

What are you doing this weekend? Is it busy, relaxing, somewhere in between?

In Other News:

1. My bestie May and her fiance Rick only need about 100 more votes to make it into the next round of the Crate and Barrel Ultimate Wedding Contest. Please vote…pretty please!  To do that, click here! Thanks in advance!

2. I am still accepting “Ask Me Anything Questions” so don’t forget to submit your anonymous question you want to ask me by clicking here!

Well, I am going to finish up here. See you guys later on tonight!

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If you see me, come say hi!!!

Good Friday Morning! Is anyone else really excited about the Olympic Opening Ceremonies tonight?!

I know I am!!!I have a killer workout planned today after work, so I am hoping to get home and catch the end of the opening ceremonies!  I love the Olympics!!! I prefer the summer games sine I used to be a gymnast and there are many, many running events, but the Winter Games are still really exciting!!! YAY! What is your favorite Olympic event?

Breakfast this morning was delicious pumpkin oats! It has been a while since I have had them!

Pumpkin Oats:

  • 1/2 a cup of oats
  • 1/2 a cup of water
  • 1/2 a cup of Almond Milk


  • Cinnamon
  • Pumpkin
  • Peanut Butter
  • Sprinkle of brown sugar

There was coffee too…obvi!

Today’s outfit:

WTF…Blurry again and I did so well the last couple of days!!! Jeans (Seven for All Mankind), White T-Shirt (Target), Tan Cardigan (Jacob), Purple Flats (Nine West).


In Other News:

1. My bestie May and her Fiance Rick only need about 130 more votes to make it into the next round of the Crate and Barrel Ultimate Wedding Contest. Please vote…pretty please!  To do that, click here! Thanks in advance!

3. “Ask Me Anything” Questions:

Q: what size shoe do you wear? are your running sneaks bigger than your other shoes?

A: I wear a 7 1/2 or 8 in regular shoes. My running shoes are bigger, they are an 8 1/2. When they fitted me for sneaks I was between an 8 and an 8 1/2 so I put on one of each and ran around the block. The 8 1/2 just felt better so I went with them.

Q: Do people recognize you out on the streets or at the gym? If so, does it bug you at all when people do approach you? Especially at the gym when you are trying to get your workout on?

A: This question made me giggle a little because  I barely EVER get recognized. I have only been recognized once or twice. Once was at an event and once on the street if I remember correctly.

I have never been recognized at the gym, I am not certain anyone that goes to my gym knows about my blog. If I were to get recognized, I would HOPE that the reader would come up and introduce themselves!!!! That would be so cool!!! I see how many of you there are out there ( knock, knock I see you 🙂 ), but have no way of knowing who you are (unless you comment, but then it’s still not like I really know you!).  Moral of the story…if you see me, come say hi, no matter what I am doing! I would love to meet you girls (and guys if there are any of you 🙂 ) !

This written by a girl that saw someone reading her blog on the train via iPhone just this week and felt weird going up and saying, “Hey your reading my blog! I’m Ali! “.

See you guys at lunch! Have a great Friday!

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Self-Esteem Inventory.

Hey everyone! Well, my snow storm beers last night are making me feel a little less than 100% today. I didn’t drink that much, but I have a little headache that has just been a pain in the butt all day 😦

Lunch was leftovers from dinner on Tuesday night. A turkey burger on a whole wheat sandwich thin, topped with mustard and laughing cow cheese with a side salad.

I had an afternoon snack of grapes and Siggi’s Acai Yogurt!

This flavor is by far my favorite! It has a sweet berry flavor and again, no fruit on the bottom 🙂

This afternoon, I headed downstairs to the office of the the Education and Human Services Department to get a psychological test for a paper I need to write for one of my classes. I love going to school where I work it makes things so much simpler! The professor told us to pick a test would be interested in so we could really learn about it and enjoy writing the paper.  Care to take a stab at which kind of test I picked?

Yup, a Self-Esteem Inventory. Self-esteem is a topic that is so interesting to me 🙂 While perusing the different tests, I sipped a coffee.

Well, I got to get a few more things done here before heading to class. I am taking a workout rest day today and have 2 booty kicking workouts in mind for the next two days. You are going to have to stick around to see what I have planned!!!

Don’t forget:

To vote for my bestie May for the Crate and Barrel Ultimate Wedding .  To do that, click here!

I am still excepting “Ask Me Anything” Questions so don’t forget to submit your anonymous question you want to ask me by clicking here!

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PB&J Oats!

Morning!!! Well, I am convinced the the key to a good solid night’s sleep is a steaming cup of chamomile tea right before bed. Every time I have chamomile tea before bed, I sleep like a rock and wake up feel so refreshed and rested! 🙂 There is actually research that has shown it works as a sleep aid, but I was a little skeptical. I used to drink it after dinner, but that would be at least 3 hours before hitting the hay, now I drink it right before bed and it works like a charm. Want to know what my other sleep aid is? My bed warmer 🙂

Back in the colonial times, people used to use bed warmers to keep them warm and cozy overnight since they did not have heat like the heat we know today.

I am not sure why they used these dangerous bed warmers when they had this option all along. I present, my bed warmer:

Adam and I refer to Oscar as “The Furnace”, he gets so warm when he is sleeping that he keeps me feeling warm and cozy even on the chilliest of nights. Add that to the list of a million reasons why I love Oscar so much!!!

When I got up this morning I was craving both peanut butter and jelly and oatmeal. I spend a few minutes trying to decide which one to have and then it dawned on me, I don’t HAVE to choose one or the other, I can have both 🙂 I present my new favorite way to eat oatmeal, PB & J Oats!!!

It worked out well because since I received a package from Crofter’s Organics this weekend while I was in VT, I have been dying to try the Superfood Spreads they sent me. They were kind enough to send me all four flavors!!! But, you know I had to try the North America one first, little taste of home 🙂 So, I added it to my oats this morning along with the PB!

It was DELICIOUS!!!!!! I really love a chunky fruit spread and this one did not disappoint! I could actually see the blueberries and cranberries in the spread. It was not overly sweet and went very, very well with PB. How could you not love an organic jam loaded with antioxidants? Seriously! I cannot wait to try the other flavors!

See the blueberry and cranberry bits?

Breakfast was accompanied by coffee, obvi 😉


  • 1/2 a cup of oats
  • 1/2 a cup of water
  • 1/2 a cup of almond milk
  • 1/2 of a banana


  • Spoonful of peanut butter
  • Spoonful of Crofter’s North American Superfood Spread

Today’s outfit:

What is up with my blurry outfit pictures lately…sorry about that?! It is really hard to tell that it is blurry on the camera, but then when I load into the website here and it is all big I can tell. BOOOO!

Brown striped pants (Gap), White Shirt (Express), Tan V-neck Sweater (H&M), Brown Pumps (SO OLD, I forget where I got them).

Shoe close up, because some of you have asked for it…I am not a fan of showing my feet as they are bony and a little bit of a mess from running. I COULD USE A PEDICURE!!!!! That is a hint to those in my life that love me and are aware that 1) Valentine’s Day is this weekend and 2) my birthday is coming up shortly! 🙂

In Other News:

1. Don’t forget to vote for my bestie May for the Crate and Barrel Ultimate Wedding . May and Rick totally deserve it!!!! To do that, click here! Thanks so much! Yes, I will be nagging you to do this until you all have done it. So, if you are getting sick of looking at this, just go vote…I have no problem being a little pushy (it is in my job description at the Maid of Honor…sorry!)

2. So, I am super duper late on this! My Friday blogger interview is coming on a Tuesday… better late than never, no? I am sorry this is so late considering Anne worked her tail off to get me the interview stuff on time too. Well, I an certain you guys don’t mind waiting for an interview someone as FANNEtastic as an interview with the lovely, creative and hilarious Anne from FANNEtastic foods! I have actually had the pleasure of meeting Anne in person and she is a funny and down to earth as she appears on her blog 🙂

Blogging Related:

1. Why did you start your blog?
I’d been reading food blogs WAY too long to not have my own 🙂 Plus, I had a travel blog when I was teaching English in Prague last year, and I missed writing for fun and having somewhere to post photos!

2. What is your favorite blog?

I love any blog that makes me laugh. The more ridiculous, the better.

3. How do you keep readers interested in your blog? Especially if your blog is new?

I pretty much just try to be as awesome as possible at all times.
Juuuuuust kidding. Let’s see… a big helping of healthy and unique recipes, a dash of fitness moves and awkward videos, a sprinkling of scenic photography, and a hearty dose of silliness 🙂

4. Have you found blogging difficult to keep up with?

Nah, I’ve found it really fun to write the posts and think of new ideas! I don’t think I’d be able to handle a full on food blog where I photographed all my eats, though… props to you Ali!!

5. Has anything happened that was unexpected or shocked you as a result of having a blog? For example, negative feedbacks, new found blogger friends that live next door? Really anything that didn’t expect?

I’ve just met lots of fun new friends! It’s especially awesome when we hang out and people ask how we met, and we have to explain that we met on the internet. Awwwwwkkkkwarddddddddd. (Any awkward turtle fans out there??)

6. Do you have the support of your family?
Definitely! My parents especially love my blog. My dad will email like 0.2 seconds after I post saying it was the best thing ever. I have no idea how he knows so quickly that I’ve posted, lol.

7. How long have you been blogging?

With my current blog, just since September, but I had my Prague blog from October 2008 til June 2009 when I came home.

8. How has your blog changed over the years?

I’ll let you know once I’ve been blogging for years 😉

9. What new directions do you see taking it in?

I’m pretty sure my blog will take over the world in approximately 2.3 months.

10. What is your favorite ‘freebie’ that you’ve ever received?

I’m obsessed with Greek yogurt, so probably that 🙂

You and Your Healthy Lifestyle:
11. What is your favorite workout?

Running! Or anything outdoors, like hiking. Sunshine = heaven. I’ve also been getting into yoga recently!

12. How often do you workout?

I try to do SOMETHING every single day, even if it’s just a short walk!

13. Have you always lived a healthy lifestyle? If not, what made you change you lifestyle?

For the most part, yes, although I didn’t always eat this healthy! I was always super active when I was younger (gymnastics, swimming, tennis, etc.), but didn’t really get interested in healthy eating until college. I remember in high school my friends and I would go to McDonalds and order a bunch of large fries, then dump them all in the middle of the table in a huge mountain and have a “fry feast.” So healthy 😉

14. What is you favorite healthy snack?

Plain Greek yogurt and fruit. Can’t go wrong 🙂

15. What is your all time favorite food?

Did I mention I like yogurt? No? I like yogurt.

16: What is your least favorite food?

Onions!!!!! Blechhhhhhh

17. What is one kitchen appliance you can’t live without, besides your fridge?

A microwave!!! I didn’t have one in Prague and it was maddening. I had to heat leftovers in a skillet.. it wasn’t pretty.

18. What is your favorite thing to try? New workouts, new restaurants, bars, beer/wine.

All of the above 🙂

Getting to Know you:
19. What are you wearing today? (Please Provide a Picture)

Damn, Ali, are you hitting on me? It’s cool… I like it.

Today’s outfit is brought to you thanks to casual Fridays at work! The jeans are from Express, the tank top is from Old Navy, the cardigan is from Target, and the shoes are Bandolino (from Macys).

But my favorite part of my outfit today is my earrings! I’m obsessed with fun dangly earrings. I have no idea where I got these, but I wear them all the time 🙂

20. What do you do for a living?

I’m a writer/editor for an engineering company. It’s less than thrilling but the people are cool 🙂 I’m also a part time student… hopefully starting back full time in the fall to get my Masters in Dietetics to become an R.D.!

21. What is your favorite movie?

Oh man do I have to pick one!?? I have so many… but I’d have to say “A Christmas Story” is one of my all time faves. I watch practically the entire 24 hour marathon on Christmas Day. I’m also obsessed with “Forrest Gump.” 🙂

22. What are your hobbies?

Anything involving friends, good food, wine, and laughing so hard it hurts.

23. What trends are your fashion favorite this season?

I’m loving the flat boots! I bought some flat boots in Prague last year because it was impossible to walk in heels on cobblestones, and I love that they’re in fashion here now, too!

24. What are your plans for 2010?

Hopefully moving somewhere new in the fall and starting a masters program! R.D. or bust!!!

Thanks, Anne!! I am excited to see you in Baltimore at Fit Bloggin‘  in a little more than a month...YAY!!!

3. GIVEAWAY ALERT!!! Oh, yes and it is a good one too!!!! Do you find yourself drooling over this waffle sammies I make for breakfast from time to time?

Well, then you are in luck. The fabulous people at Van’s have offered to give 3 lucky FFF readers a coupon for one FREE product!!!! The coupons are so much better, considering the food is frozen, so it may thaw out by the time you get it if they ship directly to you.

So how do you enter, there are a few ways:

1. Go to the Van’s website look around and tell me which product you would love to try and how you would eat it.Straight up with syrup? Topped with yogurt and fruit? As a sandwich? Get creative here people!

Wait, you want extra entries….wow, you guys are seriously pushing it 😉 Okay, Okay fine! Get an extra entry by:

  1. Tweeting the giveaway – and let me know you did that. If you are not currently following me on Twitter here is the link to do so.
  2. Post the giveaway on your blog and e-mail me the link to show that you have done so.
  3. Put the giveaway (with link) as a facebook status and send me an e-mail letting me know you did so. FoodFitnessFashion@gmail.com

Each one of these gives you an extra entry, so each person has the possibility for 4 entries…make sense? You have until tomorrow at 10 pm to enter and then I will be announcing winners. Good Luck!

4. I am still excepting “Ask Me Anything” Questions so don’t forget to submit your anonymous question you want to ask me by clicking here!

See you guys at lunch!

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Assignment Frustrations.

Well, I had a very productive night. The reason:

After work I stopped at Starbucks for a tall skinny cinnamon dolce pick me up 🙂 I am pretty sure it helped me power through the work I had to do at my part-time job. I met with a couple that is thinking about getting married at our function hall, then returned some phone calls and did some paperwork. After working, I stopped at the grocery store and picked up some whole wheat pizza dough and some Sprite for Adam. I don’t really the whole soda thing, but Adam cannot live without his Sprite! When I got home, I took a quick shower and then Adam and I made dinner. PIZZA…what a suprise!!!!!

My side was whole wheat dough, marinara sauce, spinach, reduced fat mozzarella, tomatoes, red peppers and some spreadable goat cheese. BTW: working with spreadable goat cheese when you are not spreading it is difficult. Don’t try this at home 😉 This was the best pizza we have made in a while and that is saying a lot!!! I had two pieces with a side salad (spring mix, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers and peppers topped with a light italian dressing). I am very happy to report that there are leftovers 🙂


I think the steam coming from it fogged the picture…I love my food super hot! After dinner, Adam did the dishes (love him!) and I started on homework and reading for school. I had the hardest time figuring out this one thing we had to to do on a website. It was super frustrating for me. I consider myself to be pretty computer savy, after all, I do write thins blog everyday, right? I eventually e-mailed my professor after 45 minutes of getting no where. I got the rest of my work done though, so that is good. But, I am still a little annoyed with that website! I very much dislike getting frustrated with an assignment that I can’t figure out.

I am currently drinking some chamomile tea and blogging from my bed. Can you tell the caffeine from earlier had worn off?? 😉

Make sure to check in on tomorrow breakfast post for a Vantastic giveaway and a FANNEtastic interview!!! 😉

Don’t forget to submit your n anonymous question you want to ask me by clicking here!


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Liquid Breakfast

Morning!!! It is another cold Monday morning in Boston! I can’t believe how fast the weekend went by! Did you guys watch the Superbowl? What did you think of the outcome? I was totally rooting for the Saints, so I was pleased! Sorry, Colts fans…I am just being honest!

I got up this morning feeling rested and ready for a packed week. I think calling it an early night was a very smart idea. Breakfast was all liquid 🙂

Coffee (clearly I drank some before taking the picture) with half and half and a Green Monster! Even though it is so cold outside, I woke up craving a smoothie!

Smoothie Ingredients:

  • 1 banana
  • 2 big handfuls of spinach
  • 1 cup of reduced fat milk
  • ice
  • 2 small scoops of Green Superfood
  • 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder
  • 1 spoonful of peanut butter
  • Flax seeds

Today’s Outfit:

Aqua Sweater (GAP), Light Gray Pants (Express), Black Suede Pumps (Michael Kors). Sorry so blurry, I have really got to work on that!

In Other News:

1. My bestie May and her fiance Rick have entered the Crate and Barrel Ultimate Wedding Contest!!!!!! It would mean the world to me if you guys could head over to their site a vote. To vote for May and Rick click here. If  May and Rick win, that  would mean you guys would get to see tons of pictures and hear all about the Ultimate Wedding since I will be serving as Maid of Honor. Come on who doesn’t want a little inside scoop on that!!! So go ahead and vote….like right now!!! Thanks so much!!!

2. Ask Me Anything Questions:

Q: Hi Ali – what are you favorite places in Boston to eat, grab a drink, or hang out?

A: Well, for those of you who have read the blog for some time now, you will know the answer to that question. The Warren Tavern is my favorite local hang out. It is my neighborhood bar and I am there quite often. They have a vast array of beer on tap, great food and friendly service. Plus it has a whole bunch of historical charm. It is really our version on Cheers. Every time we walk in there we see someone we know. If you are even in the Charlestown are and looking for a great place to have a beer, grab lunch or dinner (or bunch on the weekends), watch a game or just hang out- check it out!

You can  submit an anonymous  Ask Me Anything question by clicking here.

Have a great Monday and I will see you at lunch!!!

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Morning! Sorry if you missed me last night. At 9:30 pm I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open, so I just went to bed! Let me tell you about my night. Around 3:30 pm while getting through some work, I snacked on the last of the cantaloupe I bought this week. I just realized I managed to eat a whole cantaloupe in three days!!! What can I say, this girl loves fruit!

At 4pm I headed down to the gym at work for a run. I planned on doing 5 miles, but that didn’t end up happening. Around mile 2 my stomach started cramping and I knew I had to um…go use the restroom (TMI? I think these “Ask Me Anything” questions are making me feel a little too open!). I tried to ignore it, but by mile 2.5 I knew that 5 miles were not happening, I made a deal that I would run 3. Once I hit mile 3, I jumped off the treadmill and went to the bathroom. I felt better. While walking back into the gym I noticed how tight my legs left. I used the extra time I had already planned to run for a nice long stretch. It felt great to get the stretch in! The running and Body Pump this week has taken a toll on my hamstrings and they were begging for a good stretch.

After the run and stretch, I took a quick shower then jumped on the bus and headed home. Once I got home, I started working on some stuff for my part-time job. I was really hungry, fruit goes not hold me over when I am running. I snacked on a pretzel rod and a clementine.

After the work was done, I started dinner. Adam was home for dinner tonight! That makes twice this week that we ate dinner together 🙂 I like that a lot! I made some whole wheat tortillini with marinara sauce and side salads. I beefed my pasta up with some extra veggies, steamed zucchini and artichoke hearts. I also had a small glass of red wine.

The spend the rest of then evening watching TV with my two favorite boys before heading to bed at 9:30 pm. Right before bed, I had some chamomile tea and….it totally helped me sleep well again last night. Although I did have an awful dream that all my teeth fell out!

I actually looked up what dreams about teeth falling out means and I got a few interpretations:

  1. Being self-conscious about your physical appearance
  2. Worrying about being embarrassed in a certain situation
  3. Feelings of powerlessness
  4. Fear of failure
  5. Financial worries

Not sure I really buy any of them. Do you ever look up what your dreams “mean”?  Do you believe in “Dream Meanings” or think it is all junk?

I actually took today off to get some things done. Breakfast was banana oats:

  • 1/2 of a banana
  • 1/2 a cup of oats
  • 1/2 a cup of water
  • 1/2 a cup of almond milk


  • Blueberries
  • Organic unsweetened coconut
  • Barney Butter

Ask Me Anything Questions:

Q: Transitioning from a private person to a public person can be a tough and crazy experience. Do you (or Adam) ever get worried with posting private photos and/or information online?

A: Good Question! I get this question a lot from friends and family. I keep a lot of my life private still even though it seems like it is all out there for the world to see. I am very careful with the personal information I post online and try to make sure that I keep certain things to myself. So, sometimes I get a little nervous about it, but I always make sure that I don’t post anything that I wouldn’t be okay with ANYONE seeing.

You can  submit an anonymous  Ask Me Anything question by clicking here.

Well, I am off to get some things done. Have a great Thursday!

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Good morning!!! Well it is humpday! The past few weeks have flown by, but this one seems to be dragging a little, no? I got a great night’s sleep last night. I am not sure what it was but I fell asleep at 11pm and when the alarm went off, I didn’t feel like I was too exhausted to get up. I felt great! Sleeps like this are few and far between so when they happen, they need to be celebrated!!!! Do you think maybe it was the chamomile tea right before bed? Oh man, if that is the case I will be drinking that stuff EVERY NIGHT before bed!

Breakfast was delicious, per usual! Two flax Van’s waffles, smooth Barney Butter and 1/2 of a banana eaten sandwich style.

On the side I had a clementine and come coffee. Looks at this delicious mix…nom, nom, nom!

Today’s outfit:

Blue velvet pants (Gap, circa 2001 🙂 ), White shirt (Express), Tan cardigan ( Jacob), Brown boots (Nine West).

In Other News:

1. Self Love Tip of the Day: Have Fun:

Yup, having fun is a great way to love yourself. Inject some fun into your life! Life is meant to be enjoyed. Don’t take it too seriously. If you find a little time to have fun, you will be forced to let go of worry and will have an easier time relaxing!

That was last self love tip! I have done a self love tip everyday for the past month. What did you guys thing of it? Did you like, not like it, not care either way? Would you like to see more monthly tip series? If so, on what topics?

Oh, I am done with asking questions, let’s get to the answering questions portion of today’s post!

Ask Me Anything Questions:

Q: I have always been thin with a great metabolism, so I have never had to worry much about my diet or exercise. But in the past couple months I’ve started gaining a lot of weight. I have made some major changes in my diet but I just hate exercising. I try but I just can not get into it. Any suggestions? Did you always enjoy exercising?

A: Well, I guess I have always been an active person in some sense. Growing up I did gymnastics and tap danced. I was a very active child in the sense that I was non-stop to the point that I annoyed everyone around me! HA! My bestie May and I were the most hyperactive children you can imagine and we fed off each other so much! I am not sure how people could stand to be around us. But, as I got older I did not love exercising, but I wanted to. I wanted to be active, but I had no motivation.  I tried running before and since I was not naturally “good at it”, I thought it was too hard and I gave up. Eventually, I stopped making excuses and just did it. I just started running, I wanted it bad enough that I had the determination to work hard and see it through and it was HARD! My lungs burned *remember -I used to smoke* my body fatigued. I just worked hard and now it is easier. The thing I love best about running is even my best runs challenge me, they make me prove myself and I love that about exercise. For me, it is never easy. So I guess in short, my answer is just do it (like Nike says) and keep trying out new things until you find something you love. You just may not have found what is right for you.

Q: I try to eat healthy but have a hard time cutting out desserts. Have any low fat options for dessert?

A: Absolutely! My favorite dessert hands down is a piece or two of a dark chocolate bar (75-90% coco). I have chocolate bars in my fridge for MONTHS, whenever my sweet tooth hits, I rips off a little piece and let it melt in my mouth. I also keep some dark chocolate in my draw at work. I also love frozen yogurt. Stoneyfield has some great ones! Another favorite is a chocolate vitamuffin with some peanut butter, it is like a warm cakey peanut butter cup! Drool…..

Q: Have you ever experienced disordered eating or an eating disorder? Probably not, but I’m just wondering. I was also wondering if you are at all or were at all affected by the media?

A: Actually, I think I have experienced disordered eating at a few points in my life. I wrote a very open and honest post about this topic that you can read by clicking here.

Am I affected by the media? Of course, I am! Anyone who says they are not is lying. We are bombarded with images of thinness, of perfection everyday and I think it affects us all whether we know it or not and whether we want to admit it or not. I will say it does not effect me nearly as much as it used it. That is due to work I have done on myself to love who I am and how I look. Do I have bad days? Of Course! I have days when I wish my skin was clearer, my breasts were bigger, my hips were smaller, my hair was thicker. But, those bad days come A LOT less often than the good days. Most days I look in the mirror and love what I see. I love the woman I have become in all aspect of my life. I love that I am hard working and intelligent. I love that I am caring and have a great sense of humor. I also love what I see physically. I have a strong healthy body that I worked hard for. So, yes, the media does affect me, but I affect me more 🙂

Q:What are your career goals? Do you want to have kids? If so, when?

A: Good question. My career goals are to finish my M.Ed and work in a High School as a Guidance Counselor. I am hoping to work in an Urban setting, but we will see what happens. I have actually not written about this or really talked about it to anyone so you guys see it here first!!!!! I want to get my fitness training license as well! I will need something to do in the summer time when I am a Guidance Counselor and have summers off. Fitness is a passion of mine and I think I would love being a trainer. I also would love to keep blogging and see where that takes me, who knows!

Do I want kids…well, okay fine, you got it out of me! YES!!!! I want kids (my friends and family members all over the internet just let out a huge gasp)! I always joke about not liking kids and not wanting them, but truth be told, I actually get really excited when I think about being a mom! When? Oh God,  I don’t know…sometime in my 30’s. I want to finish my M.Ed and work for a few years. I think Adam and I will know when the time is right.

Q: What is the big deal about Barney Butter? Is it like regular Peanut Butter? How much is it? Where can you get it?

A: Barney Butter is not peanut butter, it is actually almond butter. It is just delicious, it tastes very different than any other nut butter I can think of! It is made in a peanut free factory so it is save for those with peanut allergies. You can learn more about the actual product by clicking here.   It costs about $6 a jar, but is well worth it. To find a store near you that sells it, click here.

You can  submit an anonymous  Ask Me Anything question by clicking here.

See you later on today!

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Good morning!!! Well it is humpday! The past few weeks have flown by, but this one seems to be dragging a little, no? I got a great night’s sleep last night. I am not sure what it was but I fell asleep at 11pm and when the alarm went off, I didn’t feel like I was too exhausted to get up. I felt great! Sleeps like this are few and far between so when they happen, they need to be celebrated!!!! Do you think maybe it was the chamomile tea right before bed? Oh man, if that is the case I will be drinking that stuff EVERY NIGHT before bed!

Breakfast was delicious, per usual! Two flax Van’s waffles, smooth Barney Butter and 1/2 of a banana eaten sandwich style.

On the side I had a clementine and come coffee. Looks at this delicious mix…nom, nom, nom!

Today’s outfit:

Blue velvet pants (Gap, circa 2001 🙂 ), White shirt (Express), Tan cardigan ( Jacob), Brown boots (Nine West).

In Other News:

1. Self Love Tip of the Day: Have Fun:

Yup, having fun is a great way to love yourself. Inject some fun into your life! Life is meant to be enjoyed. Don’t take it too seriously. If you find a little time to have fun, you will be forced to let go of worry and will have an easier time relaxing!

That was last self love tip! I have done a self love tip everyday for the past month. What did you guys thing of it? Did you like, not like it, not care either way? Would you like to see more monthly tip series? If so, on what topics?

Oh, I am done with asking questions, let’s get to the answering questions portion of today’s post!

Ask Me Anything Questions:

Q: I have always been thin with a great metabolism, so I have never had to worry much about my diet or exercise. But in the past couple months I’ve started gaining a lot of weight. I have made some major changes in my diet but I just hate exercising. I try but I just can not get into it. Any suggestions? Did you always enjoy exercising?

A: Well, I guess I have always been an active person in some sense. Growing up I did gymnastics and tap danced. I was a very active child in the sense that I was non-stop to the point that I annoyed everyone around me! HA! My bestie May and I were the most hyperactive children you can imagine and we fed off each other so much! I am not sure how people could stand to be around us. But, as I got older I did not love exercising, but I wanted to. I wanted to be active, but I had no motivation.  I tried running before and since I was not naturally “good at it”, I thought it was too hard and I gave up. Eventually, I stopped making excuses and just did it. I just started running, I wanted it bad enough that I had the determination to work hard and see it through and it was HARD! My lungs burned *remember -I used to smoke* my body fatigued. I just worked hard and now it is easier. The thing I love best about running is even my best runs challenge me, they make me prove myself and I love that about exercise. For me, it is never easy. So I guess in short, my answer is just do it (like Nike says) and keep trying out new things until you find something you love. You just may not have found what is right for you.

Q: I try to eat healthy but have a hard time cutting out desserts. Have any low fat options for dessert?

A: Absolutely! My favorite dessert hands down is a piece or two of a dark chocolate bar (75-90% coco). I have chocolate bars in my fridge for MONTHS, whenever my sweet tooth hits, I rips off a little piece and let it melt in my mouth. I also keep some dark chocolate in my draw at work. I also love frozen yogurt. Stoneyfield has some great ones! Another favorite is a chocolate vitamuffin with some peanut butter, it is like a warm cakey peanut butter cup! Drool…..

Q: Have you ever experienced disordered eating or an eating disorder? Probably not, but I’m just wondering. I was also wondering if you are at all or were at all affected by the media?

A: Actually, I think I have experienced disordered eating at a few points in my life. I wrote a very open and honest post about this topic that you can read by clicking here.

Am I affected by the media? Of course, I am! Anyone who says they are not is lying. We are bombarded with images of thinness, of perfection everyday and I think it affects us all whether we know it or not and whether we want to admit it or not. I will say it does not effect me nearly as much as it used it. That is due to work I have done on myself to love who I am and how I look. Do I have bad days? Of Course! I have days when I wish my skin was clearer, my breasts were bigger, my hips were smaller, my hair was thicker. But, those bad days come A LOT less often than the good days. Most days I look in the mirror and love what I see. I love the woman I have become in all aspect of my life. I love that I am hard working and intelligent. I love that I am caring and have a great sense of humor. I also love what I see physically. I have a strong healthy body that I worked hard for. So, yes, the media does affect me, but I affect me more 🙂

Q:What are your career goals? Do you want to have kids? If so, when?

A: Good question. My career goals are to finish my M.Ed and work in a High School as a Guidance Counselor. I am hoping to work in an Urban setting, but we will see what happens. I have actually not written about this or really talked about it to anyone so you guys see it here first!!!!! I want to get my fitness training license as well! I will need something to do in the summer time when I am a Guidance Counselor and have summers off. Fitness is a passion of mine and I think I would love being a trainer. I also would love to keep blogging and see where that takes me, who knows!

Do I want kids…well, okay fine, you got it out of me! YES!!!! I want kids (my friends and family members all over the internet just let out a huge gasp)! I always joke about not liking kids and not wanting them, but truth be told, I actually get really excited when I think about being a mom! When? Oh God,  I don’t know…sometime in my 30’s. I want to finish my M.Ed and work for a few years. I think Adam and I will know when the time is right.

Q: What is the big deal about Barney Butter? Is it like regular Peanut Butter? How much is it? Where can you get it?

A: Barney Butter is not peanut butter, it is actually almond butter. It is just delicious, it tastes very different than any other nut butter I can think of! It is made in a peanut free factory so it is save for those with peanut allergies. You can learn more about the actual product by clicking here.   It costs about $6 a jar, but is well worth it. To find a store near you that sells it, click here.

You can  submit an anonymous  Ask Me Anything question by clicking here.

See you later on today!

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News Revealed!!!

Hey everyone! How was the rest of your day? I have to say, I loved getting into work early and working out during lunch. For the first time in forever, I was home by 5:30pm tonight. I went to my mom and dad’s to chat with them and my Pa for a little while. My Pa goes to bed at 6pm, so I never really get to see him on weekdays, it was a treat! On the way home I stopped at my local coffee and shop and got a coffee, I was feeling really tired and knew I had a ton of homework to do. I got a medium medium roast with a little vanilla syrup and some half and half.

After Adam got home from his run, we made pizza. I was CRAVING carbs and then I realized, I didn’t have any carbs all day…OMG! We used the 100% whole wheat dough from Trader Joe’s I topped my half with marinara, mozzarella, spinach, tomatoes, orange bell pepper and artichoke hearts.

Adam and I rolled the dough really thin so the pizza was super light! YUMMMMM!

Dessert was some decaf tea with a little organic reduced fat milk and a few Trader Joe’s whole wheat chocolate chip cookies. If you have not tried these cookies, you really must!

In Other News:

1. Well, since the cat is pretty much out of the bag, I can now share with you the exciting news I received last night!!!! MY BESTIE MAY IS GETTING MARRIED!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Yup, May’s boyfriend fiance Rick popped the question yesterday evening!!!! When I received the call, I hyperventilated a little bit, screamed a lot, got so excited the broke out into hives and actually walked into the wall three times trying to get out of my house to go tell my parents!!! I could not be happier! May is more like my sister and has been my bestie since we were toddlers! I am so excited and so happy that she is marring such a great guy! I truly love Rick and am so excited that he is going to be my bestie-in-law 😉 Congrats to the happy couple!!! I love you guys!

Aren’t they a great looking couple? May is going to be a BEAUTIFUL BRIDE!!!!

2. I have received a bunch of ask anything questions and thought I would answer a few in this post before starting on home homework.

Q: Where do you take your outfit picture usually? It looks like a fancy hotel bathroom!

A: I actually take those pictures in the bathroom at work. The building I work in is so beautiful and does look a little bit like a fancy hotel.

Q: What was/is the best way that you get pysched out for a race on race day? What is the most inspirational/motivating speech that someone has told you before a run/race?

A: I get psyched by setting a time goal for myself and making sure I feel well prepared as far as training, dress and hydration. Music is also key to me during a race. I have a great “race playlist” that pumps me up and keeps me feeling upbeat and motivated. I have had a few motivating speeches before races that benefit a certain cause. Remembering what it is all about before that gun goes off really puts into perspective why I am there. I had an awful race a few months ago and Adam ran beside me the whole time motivating me, I would say that “talk” was the most motivating speech I have ever received. Also, I do a lot of reflecting during my races, thinking about how far I have come really helps me to feel motived and strong during a race.

Q: Did you count calories when you first decided to loose weight?

A: Yes, I counted calories for about 4-5 months, after while it started to feel too limiting and I had sort of gotten the hang of how to eat well and still loose. I do recommend trying it out if you are trying to loose weight, it makes you realize what you are taking in and what you are burning.


A: Yikes, I said ask anything, right? Ok, I currently weigh 121 lbs (as of a few weeks ago, maybe a little more may be a little less). I am a size 4. Before my weight loss/life style change, I was 152 lbs and I was a size 8.

Q: How does it feel to know that your son hangs out with a big grey thug?

A: hahahaha! This is clearly someone who knows our dogs! The “Grey Thugs” that is being referred to is Oscar’s bestie Stolki. Stolki is the dog of my bestie May and her fiance (!!!!!!!) Rick.

To answer the question, I feel GREAT about it! I love Stolki-muffin, he is a great dog and I love having him around (even though Oscar is so mean to him sometimes).

Q: I absolutely love your blog. It is super cute. I was wondering if you would disclose your current weight and height. I am in the process of losing a couple unwanted pounds, and I think you are an inspiration. (because of your healthy eating and fitness)

A; Thtnks, that is very sweet. So glad you like my blog 🙂 I addressed my weight above. My height is almost 5’6.

Q: Why did you decide to start blogging?

A: Good question! I decided to start blogging because reading other blogs was so helpful to me, I wanted to help others. And…it is REALLY fun!!! 🙂

Well, I am off to do homework. Keeps your questions coming. You can click here to submit an anonymous question by clicking here.

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