
Posts Tagged ‘Chips’

Hey you guys! I have had a busy day! After blogging I took a look around and realized my apt needed some cleaning. It wasn’t dirty, just messy. So I cleaned until about noon. At 12:00, I had a quick and messy lunch. I had a whole wheat wrap with feta, tabouli, salsa, and spicy hummus with a side of BBQ Popchips.

After lunch I headed to the gym and did a 5 mile run in 46 minutes. After the run I walked for 5 minutes at a 10 incline, just to spice it up. It was HARD!!!

As you all know, I always talk about how great running is an how much I love it, but there is a less than glamorous side to it.

Sports Bra Burn:

Time to invest in some Body Glide.

And….runner’s calluses.

There are actually other gross foot things that I certain you guys aren’t wanting to see. I am pretty sure these are all things a little Body Glide can help. After my workout, I showered and headed to Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods and Market Basket groceries.

Today’s Outfit:

Jeans (GAP), Sneakers (PUMA), Gray Thermal (AE), White Cami (H&M).

Before heading into TJ’s, I grabbed a tall skinny cinnamon dolce latte.

My deal of the day was I got $37.00 worth of groceries for $4.97 at Whole Foods! Thanks coupons!!!!!!!

After unloading the groceries, cutting up the fruits and veggies for the week, washing dishes and doing laundry, I started some work for my part-time job. I was interrupted by a phone call with GREAT NEWS! It’s not my news, it is really someone else’s so I am not going to share it on here for a while. I want to give that person enough time to tell everyone they are close too, and I don’t want anyone finding out that person’s news on my blog, it is theirs to tell. But it is the best news I have heard in a long time. 🙂 I am thrilled!!!!!

Dinner with my handsome fiance started with a glass of red wine and a fresh salad.

Colorful! I only drank half of that glass of wine.

Dinner was homemade turkey burgers. We mixed lean turkey breast with egg whites, whole wheat bread crumbs and garlic powder and grilled them on the Forman. We ate the on whole wheat Arnold’s thins. I topped mine with cheddar cheese and mustard. We had some baked sweet potato fries on the side with organic ketchup for dipping.

It was awesome!!!! I spent the rest of the evening watching the Grammy’s and getting ready for my day tomorrow. FYI: packing tape is a great substitute if you don’t have a lint roller 😉

Well, I have an early morning, so I got to get to bed. I am going to bed with a big smile on my face tonight 🙂 See you in the morning bloggy friends!!!!!

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Time To Get Creative!

Hey everyone! Well another ones bites the dust, huh? Another work day is coming to an end for me. I am telling you, this week is flying by!

Lunch came at 12pm exactly! I found it strange that my breakfast burrito left me feeling famished by noon. Usually they fill me up and keep me full for a long time. Oh well. Lunch was an Ezekiel wrap with lettuce, turkey, reduced fat feta and tabouli.

On the side I had our very last clementine and some bbq popchips!

Around 3pm I broke into my snack which was red bell peppers and cucumbers and hummus.

I love these little mini hummus packs, soooo cute and convenient. I got them as Costco.

I also had some coffee to get me through that 3pm wall which I hit again today…blah. I made a little cappuccino out of the machine at work.

We are currently running low on some stuff in the FFF kitchen, mainly fresh produce. I am trying to wait until Sunday to grocery shop when I have more time to go to the grocery store with the best and cheapest produce and I have time to stop by Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s to get some stuff we need/ I got some coupons to try. Time to get creative!!!! What do you do to get creative when you are low of groceries?

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Hey everyone! How was your Thursday? Mine flew by! After my last post I did a little more work and then headed to the gym for some Body Pumpin’! While on the train, I snacked on a Clif Chocolate Chip bar…these things are like big ol’ cookies, am I wrong?

Body Pump was packed again, but I was able to workout next to my friend Ashley 🙂 OMG! It totally kicked my booty tonight. I am not sure what the deal was but it felt a lot harder tonight than usual, Ashley agreed. I got a good workout for sure!!! After BP, we headed downstairs to Starbucks to sip coffee and talk wedding planning and boys 🙂 I had a tall skinny cinnamon dolce latte. OMG, my new favorite! I have always been a vanilla latte girl….but this is waaaayyyyy better! Why has no one told me about this?

I stopped up at my parent’s house to pick up Oscar and ended up there for 45 minutes chatting wedding and house plans, so dinner had to be quick and easy. I made a turkey panini on the George Forman Grill.

Two pieces of whole wheat bread, 3 slices of turkey, 1 slice of cheddar cheese, 3 tomato slices, a small handful of spinach. YUMMO! The cheese was perfectly meltly! 🙂

On the side I had some red grapes.

Not going to lie, I totally ate a serving of these guys while making my panini and chatting with Adam (about wedding stuff).


I am currently sipping hot chamomile tea as I blog, so relaxing!


The Winner of my Food Should Taste Good Giveaway is: DEE!!!!

Dee Wrote:

Potato & Chive; Lime; Sweet Potato; Buffalo! MMmmm!! :)

Dee, send me your mailing address (foodfitnessfashion@gmail.com) and we will get those flavors and some coupons out to you! Enjoy, girlie!

Well, I have two boys and a book in bed calling my name. I am off to read and cuddle with Ad and Osc. See you all in the morning!!!

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Hey everyone! How is your night going? Mine is good. Well, I have a special treat for you. Since Tina posted a few months ago about NuVal I have been super interested in the NuVal system, more specifically how some of my favorite meals score . So, when Tina asked me if I would be interested in doing a NuVal post, I jumped at the chance.

So, let me give you a little info about NuVal.

NuVal is a nutritional scoring system helps you cut out all the guesswork when comparing foods to see which is the better choice. It helps to streamline your shopping, and  is like having a little nutritionist is you back pocket to help to figure out which loaf of bread,  kind cheese or meat is more nutritious. Like all of you, when I go to the grocery store, I want to make sure I am getting the best food I can to fuel my body, but sometimes I get lost and I just don’t know what my best option is.

“Should I get the low fat or low sodium soup?” “Lean beef or chicken?” Sound familiar? NuVal posts the nutritional score for a product right in the aisle so you can see which is your best option. The scoring is 1-100, 100 being the most nutritious and 1 being the least.

So how does tonight’s dinner measure up? I put a Food, Fitness, Fashion favorite to the test.



That’s right, it was make your own pizza night. I choose this meal to do, so that Adam could learn a little something too. Often, we eat dinner separately due to hectic schedules and different tastes, but we always eat our pizza together.

Adam’s side:

  • Boboli Whole Wheat Crust: 26
  • Lucini Italia Tuscan Marinara Sauce (Costco) – not rated yet
  • Kraft 2% Italian 3 cheese – not yet rated
  • Sargento Reduced Fat Cheddar: 23

It is hard to really get a feel for it since a half of the ingredients aren’t rated yet, but it doesn’t look too great as far as nutrition goes.

My Side:

  • Boboli Whole Wheat Crust: 26
  • Lucini Italia Tuscan Marinara Sauce (Costco) – not rated yet
  • Kraft 2% Italian 3 cheese – not yet rated
  • Sargento Reduced Fat Cheddar: 23
  • Spinach: 100
  • Orange Bell Peppers: 96
  • Artichoke Hearts: 23

Well, my veggies help out a lot in the nutrition department I guess, but it is still a lot lower than I had thought it would rate. I have to admit I am a little shocked!  Maybe making my own dough or switching back to the Trader Joe’s fresh dough would be better?

Unfortunately, no grocery stores near me has adopted the NuVul System, but there is a a section on their website where you can suggest a store chain and I will be adding my local stores to that. I really suggest you check out the website for more information on the system, it is really interesting. Plus, there is a fun little game where you have to try to put 3 products in order of how you think they are scored, I learned a lot by playing that little game this evening.

Back to the eats, while the pizza was cooking, I has a few handfuls of BBQ Popchips, mostly because Adam wanted to see how they tasted and they looked so good. OH MAN OH MAN these are addicting!

As you know, pizza was on the menu for dinner and I ate my half…every last bit!

While blogging, I had some decaf black tea with some fat free milk and a little stevia.

Those Popchips are calling my name again! MUST STAY AWAY! Have a great night!!! See you in the am!

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Three Truths!

Truth Number 1: I am obsessed with To-Do lists!!!! Yup, that is two separate ones for today!

Truth Number 2: I carry around FAR TOO MUCH crap with me all day! I look like a bag lady when I leave the house in the morning! 

Truth Number 3: I am unbelievably clumsy! Two instance from today alone as examples:

  1. This morning when the alarm clock when off, I got up to hit snooze (don’t judge!) and I slipped on one of Oscar’s toys and fell backwards into bed as Adam was sitting up causing me to head butt him! We were both moaning in pain!
  2. I fell down a whole flight of stairs at the gym tonight, during peak hours too! Oh yeah a lot of people saw and rushed over to see if I was ok. I was. Just a bruised leg and a bruised ego.

Around 3:30 pm I was hungry for a snack. So I dug into my afternoon snack which was a whole wheat Arnold’s sandwich thin and some low fat cottage cheese.

That is how I ate it 🙂

As I was leaving work, I got a little hungry again. I dug into my almost empty snack draw and pulled out a fruit strip.

I got to the gym about 20 minutes before my class started, so I did something I haven’t done in a while. The stationary bike. I enjoyed a 15 minute bike workout while reading my book that I am loving and really trying to finish before classes start and I am back to text books. I did the “hills” setting for 15 minutes at a level 8, I think it worked out to be 3 miles. It was a great workout, my legs were burning and my heart was pumping. I worked up a good sweat before Body Pump. I met my friend Ashley at BP, but it was SOOOOOO packed we could be near each other. So sad! I think it was full of all the New Year’s Resolution people. If you are a NYR person, BP is the class to try, you will be hooked and come back for more 🙂 I love Body Pump 72!!! It has great music and is really challenging!

After the gym (and my graceful trip down the stairs) I hoped on the train and headed home. By the time I walked through the door, I was STARVING!!!! Honestly, how does one begin the day too full to finish her oatmeal and end it staving? I returned my voicemail for my part-time job (work is priority) then made dinner. Yup, I was too hungry to wait until after I showered! So, I sat there and ate this covered in sweat!

A whole wheat wrap stuffed with spicy hummus, turkey, cheddar, spinach and avocado pressed on the Forman with some red grapes and Food Should Taste Good potato and chive chips.


Chamomile tea and a bit of dark chocolate.

The most spoiled dog in the world received this as gift from my mother today.

Dog popcorn! I cooked it up right away, I wanted to see what it looked like since it was “Roast Beef Flavored”

Yawn, it looked like popcorn. Then this conversation happened in my house:

Me: “Adam, try some I want to know what it tastes like.”

Adam: “NO, AL! Gross! You try some if you want to know!”

Me: “Ad, you know I VERY RARELY eat red meat, it is Roast Beef Flavored!”

No one tried it, not even Oscar! I tried to give him some and he turned his nose up and continued playing with his toys. I brought it up to my mom and dad’s and their dogs were fans!

That is Jefferson.

That is Miss Scarlett. They are both Basset Hounds. My dad was THRILLED that I put popcorn on his lap for the dog to make a mess on 🙂 Sorry, Dad!

In Other News:

1. I found out today that my gym is getting Body Jam this month!!! SAY WHAAAAAT?! Body Jam is the Dance/Cardio sister to Body Pump (aka as a way for me to a. make a fool of myself and b. fall on my face)…where so I sign up?! I am excited!

2. Today I fell IN LOVE with two upcoming races.

First, The Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon.


It is awesome because:

  • It is in the dark at night (10pm)
  • It is attached to an awesome food and wine festival
  • It is in Disney…obvi.


  • It is $135 to register
  • I would have to fly there and stay there
  • I have no money to do above two!

I am praying for a miracle!!!

Second, The Ragnar Relay!!!


12 runner + 2 vans + 200 mile + 24 hours = The Ragnar Relay.

Yup, running from CT to MA!!!! I want to see if I can find 12 people CRAZY enough to do this! It is the weekend before my half marathon, but I think I can handle. It sounds like so much fun it would be great to do with a fun group of runners!!!!

WHO IS IN?!?!?!

Well, I got to get together the supplies to refill my sad and empty snack draw at work and read a bunch of blog posts…see you guys in the am!

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Hey everyone! We are two days away from the weekend 🙂 I hope your Thursday is going well! Last night while getting into bed, my tummy started grumbling. I was hungry as heck! Maybe my salad was not enough last night?  It is possible, I burned a lot of calories yesterday between my run and Body Combat.   So, I snacked on a clementine.

I didn’t end up in bed until 11:30…ugh, I need to get more sleep. Thank Goodness the weekend is on it’s way. I woke up still feeling that cold coming on, but it is not unbearable yet.

My morning started like this:

Emergen-C! Oh side note, I have gotten a lot of questions lately about my water intake. I don’t measure it too closely, but I would say I drink 4x a 32 oz bottle of water ( 128 oz) a day. The first thing I do in the morning it drink 32 oz. of water. I like to start my day hydrated!

Breakfast was Pumpkin Oats:


  • 1/2 a cup of oats
  • 1 cup of almond milk
  • 1/2 of a banana


  • pumpkin
  • peanut butter
  • cinnamon
  • brown sugar

All mixed in:

I also had a cup of coffee.

While eating the oatmeal, I got super full and had to stop. I was tempted to force it down because I was scared I would get hungry mid-morning if I didn’t. But I decided against it. There is actually a lot more in the bowl than it looks like in the picture, ugh, I hate wasting food!

ANNNNNDDDD, at 10:30 I was a starving beast! Do I know my body or what 😉  ? I opened my snack draw to find it virtually empty! Ugh, I must restock tomorrow. Add that to the to-so list STAT!!! The only thing in there was these Food Should Taste Good sweet potato chips. So I snacked on those.  Yes, chips at 10:30 am…who am I? These are certainly delicious, though not my definition of a good morning snack!

I feel a whole lot better now 🙂

Today’s outfit:

I MUST stop making weird faces in these pics. I may have to go back to cutting my head out of the picture entirely if my face cannot behave itself. It is really hard to take the picture of yourself without making a silly face while looked at the screen to make everything is in there!

All Gap, but the shoes are Anne Klein. Hounds tooth pants, red henley sweater (Christmas gift from mom and dad).

Sweater (and camera) close up!

In Other News:

Today’s Self Love Tip: Stay Away From People Who Put You Down: These people are what kids these days call “haters”. These are those people that can’t stand that you are doing well, are happy and are okay with your life and try to bring you down. This was fresh on my mind as I wrote a little bit on my experience with “haters” in an e-mail response to a reader this morning. Try to avoid these people at all costs, they will not add your self-esteem or self love. Some “haters” are unavoidable, they sadly are our family, co-works and close friends. Oh, and when your a blogger, sometimes they are complete strangers (weird!)  I deal with my far share of “haters” on occasion and, although it is sometimes hurtful and very challenging, I try not to let them bother me. I am happy,  and secure in who I am and some people see that as a threat. That is not my problem, it is theirs. Do you have to deal with “haters”? How do you deal with them? Do you need some extra work on not letting them get to you?

Well, that is all right now! See you guys at lunch!

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Good Afternoon! I hope all of you are having a great Hump Day!

I got am e-mail from my co-worker, Wendy today asking me if I wanted to go to Body Combat with her today! Um….YES! For those of you who don’t know, Body Combat is the kick boxing on crack cardio sister of my beloved Body Pump! I have never tried Body Combat, but of course I was so excited to try it. Verdict: AWESOME! It was so fun! Like BP, the tracks were full of energy and challenging. I looooved it!

Once I realized I was going to go to Body Combat during lunch, I knew I needed a little snack to carry me through. So I snacked on half of a pure bar before hitting the gym for a little lunch time workout.

It did the trick! After Body Combat I was starving though. I think I torched some serious calories! Lunch was a tasty wrap!

It has turkey, hummus, tabbouleh, reduced fat feta, lettuce, cucumber and avocado 🙂 YUM YUM!

On the side I had some red grapes and some sour cream and onion popchips!


Healthy, nutritious and filling! Perfect!!!

Have a great rest of your day, see you later on. 🙂

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A "GOOD" Review!

Hey everyone! How is your day wrapping up? Mine has been ok. Around 4:15 pm I gabbed another bar that was sent to me from the UK.

It was really good! Super crunchy and oaty (hence the name I guess). I wonder if I feel like all the bars from the UK are delicious because I can’t really get them here in the US. Is my mind playing tricks on me?!

Around 4:45 pm around the time I was leaving work, I got a huge headache. Ugh, I knew I couldn’t run with this nasty headache, so I declared today a “rest day”. I even got a ride home from work by a handsome chauffeur!

Oh, I was so thankful for Adam to come and pick me up, the last thing I needed was a ride home on a loud bus full of screaming people. When I got home, I found that Adam had taken down the tree and Christmas decorations and turned on the dishwasher! Go Adam!!!!! When I got home I had a few ounces of tomato juice. For some weird reason, I feel like it always helps a little bit with a headaches. I know it seems crazy, but it works for me. Do you have any “weird” remedies that are your “go to” that other’s think are strange?

I went up to talk to my parents about some wedding stuff and my mom told me her had made a healthier version eggplant rollatini! I was excited to try it. She used fat free ricotta, egg whites and didn’t bread or fry that eggplant. I had to try a rollatini, it was the appetizer for my dinner 😉

It was awesome!!! I actually like the plan veggie version better than the breaded version, maybe because I love veggies and you can taste the eggplant more.

Dinner was pizza tonight! YAY! Before:


Mine was the side with all the veggie, obvi! It had spinach, asparagus, olives and mushrooms. I ate my whole half it was awesome!

Dessert was decaf black tea with lemon and honey.

Food Should Taste Good Review!!!!!!!

A few weeks ago, Food Should Taste Good sent me four bag of their newer flavors to review. If you read this blog regularly you know how much I love their products. I tend to have more a “salt tooth” and a “sweet tooth” so these chips are a great and healthy option for me when satisfying that craving (but for those of you with a sweet tooth, they actually have some for you too! 😉 ). They also come in a variety of different and fun flavors! So, of course I was thrilled they contacted me to review their products! So, let me take you flavor by flavor 🙂 (Please excuse the wrinkled bags someone (Adam) broke into them before I could review them…too excited!)

Potato Chive:

I liked this one a lot. It had a real potato chip taste which is very different than other Food Should Taste Good chips, which usually have more of a corn chip texture and taste. The liked that you could taste the chive but it was not over powering. These would be awesome for the snacker, like me ;).


These are the ones that I said are great for those of you with a a sweet tooth. They are way more like a dessert than a chip. I loooove the strong cinnamon flavor and I loved how sweet they were, it was refreshing and different. All I could think of when tasting them was “PUMPKIN DIP”, these would be awesome with pumpkin dip!

Yellow Corn Chips:

These were Adam’s favorite! He is a little bit of a more conservative eater, he like things more plain. I liked them ok .they would make great nachos, but are a little boring when compared to all the other Food Should Taste Good flavors I have had. These would be great for dips or nachos though…I mean perfect!


One word…REFRESHING! I know weird to say about a chip, right? They reminded me of the first sip of an ice cold corona with lime! YUMMMMM! They are a great summer time chip, or for someone who loves summer and wants that taste and feeling all year long. I really liked these. They have a much stronger lime flavor than all the other lime flavored chips I have tried. Hands down the best.

Well, I am going to do a little laundry and get ready for bed. I hope to get a good night’s sleep tonight, that last few nights have not been so great! Sleep tight bloggy friends. I will see you back here in the morning!

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A “GOOD” Review!

Hey everyone! How is your day wrapping up? Mine has been ok. Around 4:15 pm I gabbed another bar that was sent to me from the UK.

It was really good! Super crunchy and oaty (hence the name I guess). I wonder if I feel like all the bars from the UK are delicious because I can’t really get them here in the US. Is my mind playing tricks on me?!

Around 4:45 pm around the time I was leaving work, I got a huge headache. Ugh, I knew I couldn’t run with this nasty headache, so I declared today a “rest day”. I even got a ride home from work by a handsome chauffeur!

Oh, I was so thankful for Adam to come and pick me up, the last thing I needed was a ride home on a loud bus full of screaming people. When I got home, I found that Adam had taken down the tree and Christmas decorations and turned on the dishwasher! Go Adam!!!!! When I got home I had a few ounces of tomato juice. For some weird reason, I feel like it always helps a little bit with a headaches. I know it seems crazy, but it works for me. Do you have any “weird” remedies that are your “go to” that other’s think are strange?

I went up to talk to my parents about some wedding stuff and my mom told me her had made a healthier version eggplant rollatini! I was excited to try it. She used fat free ricotta, egg whites and didn’t bread or fry that eggplant. I had to try a rollatini, it was the appetizer for my dinner 😉

It was awesome!!! I actually like the plan veggie version better than the breaded version, maybe because I love veggies and you can taste the eggplant more.

Dinner was pizza tonight! YAY! Before:


Mine was the side with all the veggie, obvi! It had spinach, asparagus, olives and mushrooms. I ate my whole half it was awesome!

Dessert was decaf black tea with lemon and honey.

Food Should Taste Good Review!!!!!!!

A few weeks ago, Food Should Taste Good sent me four bag of their newer flavors to review. If you read this blog regularly you know how much I love their products. I tend to have more a “salt tooth” and a “sweet tooth” so these chips are a great and healthy option for me when satisfying that craving (but for those of you with a sweet tooth, they actually have some for you too! 😉 ). They also come in a variety of different and fun flavors! So, of course I was thrilled they contacted me to review their products! So, let me take you flavor by flavor 🙂 (Please excuse the wrinkled bags someone (Adam) broke into them before I could review them…too excited!)

Potato Chive:

I liked this one a lot. It had a real potato chip taste which is very different than other Food Should Taste Good chips, which usually have more of a corn chip texture and taste. The liked that you could taste the chive but it was not over powering. These would be awesome for the snacker, like me ;).


These are the ones that I said are great for those of you with a a sweet tooth. They are way more like a dessert than a chip. I loooove the strong cinnamon flavor and I loved how sweet they were, it was refreshing and different. All I could think of when tasting them was “PUMPKIN DIP”, these would be awesome with pumpkin dip!

Yellow Corn Chips:

These were Adam’s favorite! He is a little bit of a more conservative eater, he like things more plain. I liked them ok .they would make great nachos, but are a little boring when compared to all the other Food Should Taste Good flavors I have had. These would be great for dips or nachos though…I mean perfect!


One word…REFRESHING! I know weird to say about a chip, right? They reminded me of the first sip of an ice cold corona with lime! YUMMMMM! They are a great summer time chip, or for someone who loves summer and wants that taste and feeling all year long. I really liked these. They have a much stronger lime flavor than all the other lime flavored chips I have tried. Hands down the best.

Well, I am going to do a little laundry and get ready for bed. I hope to get a good night’s sleep tonight, that last few nights have not been so great! Sleep tight bloggy friends. I will see you back here in the morning!

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Hey everyone! How is your Monday wrapping up? Mine was good. After my last post, I suited up and headed out for a chilly run.


I loooove my new running gear 🙂 My mom and dad bough me new running tights and tops. They also got me a new sports bras, new socks (sweat wicking) and a new headband!!!! Adam got me new gloves, they have sensors on them that help when adjusting my Garmin and playing with my iPod.

The run felt great, it felt like I could run forever, but it did get dark and I kept thinking about Adam being worried about me, so I cut it shorter than it could have been. It turns out Adam was at the gym and not worried at all, oh well.


I did 10.11 miles in 1:35:55, which averages out to a 9:25 min/mile.


Mile 1 – 8:24

Mile 2– 8:53

Mile 3– 8:59

Mile 4– 9:16

Mile 5– 9:42

Mile 6– 9:28

Mile 7– 9:46

Mile 8– 9:58

Mile 9– 9:37

Mile 10– 9:47

Last .11– 1:20

Around mile 6, I ate a few Trader Joe’s gummy penguins that I out in my spibelt.


They basically are the poor man’s Luna Moons or GU. They really helped out in those last four miles!!!!

After my run I stretched, showered and made a quick dinner, I was hungry. I woke up so late that I never ate lunch. So all I had in me was a whole wheat bagel with barney butter and a 1/2 of a banana and the gummies. I WAS HANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I actually ate everything but the pickle pak. A mini whole wheat tortilla with hummus, turkey, reduced fat feta and tabouli, leftover salad from Christmas and some natural baked salt and vinegar chips.

Sammie close up:IMG_4136.JPG

YUM YUM!!!!!!! Well, I am off to get dressed. My mom, dad, Adam and I are going to out local bar tonight to play Trivia. Should be fun, see you all later 🙂

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